White Musk
White Musk

White Musk

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The journey of creating a musk that is both natural & plant based is a daunting task. Most musk that calls themselves "vegan" are actually of synthetic origin and much more detrimental to the environment than those of animal origin. Because musks are pheromones that are hormonal in nature, a synthetic version could be considered comparable to a synthetic hormone and for this reason, synthetic musks are not only carcinogenic but they are one of the most common man made pollutant on earth, mostly found in our city waters, rivers and oceans, they are also one of the most resilient molecule and takes decades for nature to break down, unfortunately they are also one of the cheapest substance to create synthetically, and given the rare and extremely precious & expensive nature of natural musks, they are one of the most commonly used fragrance products in the world. Our White Musk starts with the most precious fractional distillation of ambrette seeds, Ambrette is a type of Hibiscus which's seeds contains a molecule called ambrettolides. Ambrettolides are the only the only category of musks which is of plant origin. this phenomena is a very mysterious one. By using a combination of the finest co2 extracts of Madagascar vanilla, Morrocan Orris & Ambrette seed musk, the resulting tension created between the sweet and dry pull of vanilla & orris really gives it justice by "lifting" it up and as well as giving it its classical "amber" not found in traditional white musks. In our experience we know of no other White Musk that is created using only truly natural ingredients.