The Art of Enfleurage was developed in southern France in the 18th century. Using animal fat as a mean of extraction, seasonally harvested flowers are carefully laid on trays of the hard fat and allowed to sit for 24hrs, after which they are removed and replaced with fresh ones, the process is repeated for about 30 days or until the fat becomes saturated with the scent of the flowers, at which point the fat is melted in pure alcohol which will extract the oils out of the fat and then it is carefully filtered to remove the fat and allowed to evaporate to remove the alcohol from the precious flower oil. This process is extremely meticulous and labor intensive and is not a process that is practice anymore on a commercial level simply due to the fact that it is not commercially viable. Our Gardenia Enfleurage is produced by a small family of artisan perfumers in the Andean foothills of Columbia, using sustainably harvested palm fat instead of animal fat. The production capacity of this oil is very limited, and as far as we are concerned, there is no 2 producers of this oil in the world. If you could translate the experience of a tropical paradise into a single smell, we truly believe that this would be IT! In other words, we like to translate this oil as the "HOLY GRAIL" of flower oils. Its purity and the graceful fragrance that it translate from the flowers is unlike anything else.