We live in a world today where most people are devoid of such relationships. Even to the level that most do not even recognize or are aware that such relationships exist. In a world where everything is treated as an isolated compound with no relationships to any environment. Such is the reality within the test tubes of modern day scientists. And such is the reality of our society as well. A geneticist studies genes, a mineralogist studies minerals and a doctor studies health and disease. None of them are aware of the knowledge that each other knows yet each of these subjects cannot exist in nature without each other.
Coexistence is not a political idea. It is the reality of all existence. It is only our ignorance of it that makes us suffer and delusional. Most people today accept realities without ever questioning them. Whatever happened to the idea of “question everything”. Religious people accept God, his message and his prophet without even a chance to ever question or seek it. Average people accept just about everything else. The nature of war and the political state of the world as we are told on television. We accept the food that we are given without even inquiring about its ingredients, leave alone where they came from. We accept the conditions that the doctors tells us we suffer from and the solutions to those condition. And these are just to mention a few. But how can we ever build a relationship with anything, unless we understand where that thing came from? And without a relationship with the reality we deal with, how could we ever attain anything? How can god be ever found? And can Peace and how can Health ever be achieved if we do not understand our role inside of it? Because isn’t that what a relationship is? A two-way street? Where each person plays a part in the relationship with reality which is the outcome of the world? And if we have no relationship the what does that say about our karma as an individual and as a collective? What does it say about the current state of the world and about the famous saying that “you reap what you sow”?
Most people today consume goods without questioning where they came from. We buy clothing because they are “trendy” and fashionable. We buy perfumes and cosmetics because they are designer brands, or promote themselves to be the miracle cure of something. We have become such sheep as a society that all it takes is to convince a single sheep to jump of a cliff and the whole flock will follow.
The role of the original alchemist was very different then the modern day chemist, who still draws his knowledge from the original al-chemist. (Khem=the black soil of Egypt) / (Al-Khemia=the science of the people of Khem). Original Alchemist studied the relationship between all molecules in nature by use of fermentation, isolation and extraction, amongst many other. The outcome of the knowledge was they key to their understanding of nature and the secret to what some have referred to as immortality. Today, chemistry does just about the opposite. It studies a molecule in relationship to another in isolation and is not concerned with the greater ripple effect of its outcome. If a drug or a chemical has an effect within the test tube, then it will be manufactured and labeled thus. The world we live in is concerned with one thing only, which is profit. But such ignorance comes at great price. It the price of our relationships. And I’m sure that you know, a ship without any relations, is soon damned to become a sinking ship.