For a few months every year, the winds of the Arabian Sea moves a very high amount of humidity into the Dhofar wilderness of Oman, turning this region of the dry Arabian desert into a sub-tropical oasis. The coast of the Dhofar wilderness of south Oman is covered with coconut and banana trees, not what you would expect for Arabia. Boswelia Sacra, aka " Sacred Frankincense" only grows in this Dhofar Wilderness, making it one of the most unique sub-specie of frankincense in the world. Its smell is also very unique and different. It is know to the Arabs as "Hojari" and has a value multiple time higher than other types of frankincense. Medical research has been done in Oman supporting the use of Sacred Frankincense to treat cancer, it is in this regard, a medical substance. The oil itself has a very "clearing" energy and its smell is more peppery complex than most other strains of frankincense.